Family Winter Solstice Ritual
Celebrate the return of the light this year by creating a family ritual on Winter Solstice. The word solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium which is made up of the parts, "sol" or sun, and...
Book Recommendation: Star Child, Joyful Parenting Through Astrology
This book just published by SoundsTrue, Star Child, by Briana Saussy, (, is a must read for you parents and caregivers out there who are wanting to infuse your care of kids with a...
Your Own Virtual Calm Corner
Since many kids, parents and educators are working and learning from home this school year, I decided to begin to create virtual classrooms where we can all calm down together. On this blog I will...
Kids Relaxation Featured on Insight Timer
Hello Everyone! The Insight Timer App Team chose Kids Relaxation's Treehouse meditation to be featured on the App's Parents Featured List today! We are so honored! Click this link below to visit:...
Become a Sloth Philosopher and SLOW DOWN!
No Hurry = No Worry Sloths are masterful teachers in how to slow down and relax. We can learn a lot from the sloths. Watch this video to learn three ways that you can begin to slow down and relax...
Relaxation Wheel Spinner
Here's a quick way to make choosing your daily relaxation practice fun. Make a visual aid in the form of a relaxation wheel spinner. For an in-depth blog on this activity with links to all of the...
Gratitude Tree
Relax in Your Own Fairy Garden
Have you ever had the experience of time standing still while you are immersed in a project? That happened for me this past weekend while building a fairy garden in my backyard. I wanted it to look...
Stretching into Newness with Meddy Teddy
Meddy Teddy™️, who you may have already met online, is a meditating, yoga stretching, relaxation bear. He is so good at holding poses while you move your body into position to match....
Your Treehouse Meditation
Special place guided imagery is wonderful for relaxing the mind, enhancing states of being safe, loved, cared for and centered. I created this guided imagery meditation for kids so that they can...