Did you know that positive thinking is you and your child's passport to overall health and wellbeing? This week in my work with students, I've created a positive passport activity so that we can begin to shift our thoughts into the vibration of positivity! We all...
I Feel Calm Now
In the yoga tradition, there is a beautiful grounding and focusing chant (Sa Ta Na Ma--kirtan kriya), that is coupled with finger movements. Whenever I practice this chant, my mind calms down and I often feel like I am floating in a peaceful cloud. I also feel as if...
Paint a Circle Breath
Jump To Center Here we are at the start of another school year! It can be a time of transitions, change, and new beginnings for you and your child/students. This year, I encourage you to set the intention to stress less, relax and connect more, and spend time doing...
Atmosphere of Wonder
I believe that each of us is born with an inherent natural sense of imagination and a propensity for wonder. Every child, in their purest essence is a priest of priestess, an alchemist of imagination. And to the extent that we, as parents, caregivers, educators or...
Wash Away Worries with Worry Soap
RELAXING BATH: LETTING GO OF WORRIES WITH WORRY BUBBLES Wash away your child's worries with worry soap! This relaxation activity uses both the imagination and literal soap bubbles to visualize and affirm washing away the worries. Begin your relaxation...
Light as a Feather
As a parting gift for the summer vacation, I gave students a feather today. We talked about mindfulness and why it is important to bring your attention into the present moment so that you can relax, be aware of how you are feeling, and calm down your nervous system...
One-Minute Relaxer: Take a STEAMING Tea Breath
Here's a one-minute relaxer to do with your child! STEAMING TEA BREATH Teach your child the "Hot Tea Breath." Use your imagination and deep breathing to take a moment to relax together. First, ask your child what his favorite flavor of tea is? (even if it is a...
Relaxing with the Elephants
Elephants have long been associated with wisdom. In Hinduism, the elephant god, Ganesh, is a remover of obstacles. You can share with your child how relaxing with the elephants removes tension from our bodies and helps us to feel strong, sure-footed, and unwavering...
Relaxation Rain: Putting out the Volcanoes of Pent Up Emotions
We've been making volcanoes and talking about relaxation rain in my small groups this week! I drew a volcano on the white board and then we discussed what happens when we don't pay attention to our emotions and what's going on inside of us. I drew a swirling...
The Point is Relaxation: Pointillism to Relax
Mindful art helps kids to activate all the senses and really gather their focus and attention in the present moment. There are multiple art activities that you can use as relaxation practice with your child. Pointillism is a technique of painting introduced by...